Conheça Our Base

Our History

1996, the year of YWAM in Goiânia - From Garden to Recreation - By Abraão Carvalho

The year was 1996. Two couples were at the base of Rio de Janeiro ready to open bases in cities in Brazil. Sandra and Carlos came to Goiânia. Denise and Wellington went to Maringá. And so YWAM reached yet another capital. The beginning was in a simple place in Jardim Goiás. A neighborhood in Goiânia. At this point we were already in practically all the capitals and we started to enter some cities around the capitals of this country. @jocumgoiania arrived with the purpose of training, evangelism and discipleship through practical activities and training seminars, with this dynamic focus of raising awareness, serving and supporting churches for their mission in Goiânia. The activities were diverse, such as the Discipleship and Training School (DTS), evangelism impacts, vacation school. And so the mission proposed to challenge the church to walk under a dynamic vision of missions.           

One year after, it was planted in Jardim Presidente in a neighborhood of the city, Presbiteriana Maranatha. On the occasion, the mission itself had the privilege and honor of having its own mission founder in Brazil. Jim Stier promptly accepted the invitation and came for a weekend conference. On the occasion he encouraged listeners to look up, see God's action in history and seek God's task in global discipleship. In this context, the mission as an organism, God made himself move dynamically, bringing unity, vision and a healthy environment for growth and God himself manifested himself and we taught ourselves how he wanted to manifest himself.

After this moment, God already wanted to take the mission to a greater movement. From Jardim to Recreio. From the south to the northwest of Goiânia! That was exactly what God proposed and provoked the mission to do, which mission requires movement. And so God's mission as the Garden of Eden, where it all began @jocumgoiania started in Jardim Goiás and Jardim Presidente and then went to Recreio. And so, in this transition to Recreio dos Bandeirantes, God brought the challenge of the mission to have its own headquarters, in the year 2000!

Having our own headquarters was a challenge proposed and it was clear to all due to the growth of the base, schools and the space where we were was small and at the time we were not allowed to change anything that was there in terms of structure. And in a way, the cross-cultural approach to sending, receiving and sending teams was already a subject that was shared on the agenda of meetings. At this point, we already had Antônio Ricardo who was heading to Mauritania, a closed country in Africa. He died in January 2005, at the base of Porto Velho of neurological dengue. In 2000, after much searching, searching, searching and praying, came the place God showed for leadership. 

This place should have a forest, entrance of palm trees and a swimming pool. With this triad, God shared that this place would be a platform for the nations, as training and missions. This change occurred in the year 2000, and this transition from one base to another was made in three days in the rain! The purchase of the base took place through several dinners, strategic meetings, G3 office presentation and a national campaign with teams from the base itself promoting, collecting and going to each region of the country with about two or three people.    

The base purchase campaign was called YWAM HERITAGE and the text that God shared in this project was Isaiah 54:2-3. In other words, He Himself would enlarge our tents so that we would take care of desolate cities. The platform for the nations was assimilated as a responsibility and a DNA as a base. In the meantime, in 2008, how to widen the tent and be a platform for the nations, God would lead us to dream of Angola, China and India with teams from the base in Goiânia discipling people from these countries. As a certification of being a platform for the nations, God himself in 2011 and 2012 led the couple Regiane and Roney to study English at the Worcester base in South Africa and later bring the course, including with TESOL in 2015. With this focus, God was step by step bringing the structure as a training platform, receiving and sending teams to the nations and so with the grace of the Lord the ELS (English Language School) started in 2017!

Today, after the acquisition of the headquarters, as a platform for the nations, we see God strengthening people in an alignment that He himself proposes to walk as a base. Through Atos de Amor, we have been working with children and families in the neighborhood. The Discipleship Training School has taken place twice a year, with a missions discipleship as the student and church can get involved and engage in a greater movement of God. Through the inductive method we have the biblical studies seminar. This takes place twice a year. With these schools, as a platform, the mission travels under the eyes of God writing his own history. Today @jocumgoiania has the challenge of developing work with the least reached, being the minority groups and the least reached peoples around the globe. Ask God how you can be a point in the very movement that begins and ends with God.